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Business DX Energy IoT Monitoring Solution

Visualization of energy consumption allows effective cost-cutting

 Energy IoT Monitoring Solution

Real-time visualization of the usage of electricity, water, gas, steam and more enables better energy management and cost-cutting.

What should be done to reduce CO2 emissions from factories?

It is said that over 90% of a factory's CO₂ emissions come from electricity consumption, making reduction of electricity usage a key point in reducing emissions.

Reducing the ratio of fossil fuel-based power by introducing solar power generation

By installing solar panels on the factory roof and introducing solar power generation, you can reduce your ratio of fossil fuel-based power, which has high CO2 emissions. However, due to space limitations for solar panel installation, solar power can only realistically supply 10% to 20% of a factory's power needs.

Solar power generation image

Reducing unnecessary electricity and promoting energy saving

Factories use a large amount of electricity, but it is not 100% effectively utilized for production. There are various inefficiencies like leaving equipment running during non-production hours (forgetting to turn off their power), setting air conditioning too low, forgetting to turn off lights, and significant air leakage from compressors that waste electricity by continuously sending air at high pressure. Reducing this kind of waste is a significant step toward cutting emissions.

Reducing unnecessary electricity and promoting energy saving

Cut costs by managing energy consumption through data collected by IoT

Service overview diagram

At many factories, the consumption of energy sources such as electricity, water, gas and steam is acquired through monthly checks by floor/control panel, etc.

Such imprecise data management may allow for seeing trends, but it is insufficient for closely checking efficiency and waste. To do that, it is necessary to closely monitor the usage of energy-intensive processes and equipment while checking whether their energy usage is necessary or wasteful.

With KDDI's Energy IoT Monitoring Solution, data is automatically collected from sensors, transmitted wirelessly, and put into visual form. Since the data collection is nearly real-time, detailed comparisons such by month or by week are possible.

Advantages of KDDI's Energy IoT Monitoring Solution


Wireless data collection

Our IoT monitoring solution uses wireless technology, allowing data to be collected with virtually no cabling.

Standardized package

Standardized package

Everything from data collection to transmissions, storage and visualization are all included in a single standard package, enabling quick installation and provision for all aspects of the IoT monitoring solution.

Cloud service

Quick Implementation with Cloud Service

As it is deployed as a cloud service, it can be introduced in a short period, allowing data to be checked within 1 to 2 weeks after data collection.

CO2 emissions

CO2 emissions can be displayed

*Compliant with the GHG protocol

All items under Scope 1 (direct emissions) and Scope 2 (indirect emissions) of the GHG Protocol can be managed. Additionally, CO₂ can be converted and displayed based on China's "emission source units (coefficients)."

Customer case study

Extensive experience with Japanese corporate customers

Our customers include food manufacturers, drink manufacturers, chemical manufacturers, machine manufacturers and more.

Global support

Support from KDDI’s overseas local subsidiaries in multiple countries

National staff familiar with the local environment collaborate with staff at the Japan headquarters to support in everything from installation to operation and maintenance.

Energy visualization solution screen

Energy visualization solution screen

CO2 emission integrated management screen

CO2 emission integrated management screen

Please consult a KDDI consultant.

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Please consult a KDDI consultant.